Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

This Thanksgiving weekend has flown by and I haven't really taken the time to reflect on what I am truly thankful for.

M,on the other hand, has spent most of today working on a drawing of what she is thankful for..which includes, Halloween, Easter dinner with the extended family (cats included!), the park, school, Christmas...and the list keeps going as I write this post.

So what am I thankful for...

1) My family. I often underappreciate my husband and kids as I am too busy trying to get life organized. But I am so thankful to have them around to make me laugh, make me think..and even make me crazy sometimes!

2) My friends. I find that it's hard to keep in touch with everyone who has impacted my life, but I am truly thankful that my friends stand by me. It's often said that friends are the family you choose, and I totally agree with that!!

3)My team mates - they have encouraged me in my work endeavours with Norwex and Epicure, and have become good friends too!

4)My health. A few scares over the past years have made me want to work at keeping my health. And all test results have come back negative, so I am very thankful to be healthy!

and 5)Starbucks - I know that this is a bit sad, but a nice warm drink has brought me lots of comfort over the past year!! And lots of great conversation over a nice warm drink!

I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving weekend!

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